Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Retreat for adults

IVE Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius for Internet
have the to help you exercise them to discover what God's will for your life

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola is an ordered sequence of meditations and contemplations-exercises-that arise from the deep spiritual experience Ignacio lives after their conversion, in order to help that is exercised on them to discover what God's will for your life.

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises back to Notepad in which Ignatius describes his spiritual experiences during their visit to the city of Manresa, where, as he writes in his autobiography "God treated him the same way that a teacher is school to a child (Autobiography 27).

Ignacio decides to write this Booklet of the Spiritual Exercises for the purpose of helping others, communicating ideas and feelings that he had been transformed. Therefore, designs and produces rather as a guide, not so much to the experience-but to which preaches.

The goal of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises is to help the exerciser to know and discern what God wants of him, and desire and choose that.

In particular, the Spiritual Exercises are very useful for organizing everyday life according to God's will, and even discover what vocation God is calling me, for those who have not yet decided.

While it is optimal to retire to a quiet place for retreat, and have the guidance of a priest 'in person', but since this is not always feasible, it is possible to exercise at a distance, using the benefits that brings internet.

Two ways to achieve them.

One could be called 'spiritual exercises in everyday life. " These are an accommodation, that the same S. Ignacio did in his note 19, for busy people could make his Spiritual Exercises.

The other way is to spend a few days (minimum 2) in a place where one can be without jobs and with the confidence enough to meet a schedule like that is a spiritual exercise 'face'.

Spiritual Exercises in daily life
These exercises in everyday life have been developed by José Luis Caravias sj Assistant Paraguay's National CLC

Notes before to successfully perform the Ignatian Spiritual Ejecrcicios in everyday life (EVC)

is able to carry out successfully a complete processing of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, in his mode called "in ordinary life", as proposed by Ignatius. We consider this method appropriate for lay people, for their work and family obligations, no time to shut for a month to perform the exercises intensely.

The last stroke almost a year, devoting about an hour of daily prayer. If you spend less time or are interrupted, stretch for a few months

Not everyone is able to perform this powerful experience. And those who are able, generally require advance preparation

The person who wants to fully realize the Ignatian Exercises must have a sufficient degree of maturity and sincere search for God.
is not advisable to enter into them who have serious unresolved problems of personality, family or work.

But they should also enjoy a tour of stage and spirituality: a habit of prayer and a median theological training. At least you do not have serious gaps in faith and church membership

If someone does not belong to some kind of lay community, must be willing to enter any of them. But we should not enter into the process of living Exercises and another kind of spirituality, because it could harm the mixture of different spiritual approaches

And, of course, to the EVC must be able to perform them. Involve daily effort, time and space, plus some economic cost for retreats and books. It is good to try them when you are too busy or is not the place and time for daily exercise

If married, you should make the EVC as a couple. Worth waiting a while to start, if that is expected to be well prepared the couple missing. When you start getting the two together is important to accompany the process at each other, so that frequently pray together at least once a week, discuss what they have seen and felt.

In the months before the stroke recommend that, as the preparation of each person, made a series of workshops, courses and / or readings, so that you can enter certain fundamental problems solved exercises, filled some gaps theological and basic knowledge needed to pray earnestly.

recommend starting with a weekend retreat to introductory exercises, which will get to acquire a basic idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is what they want and be encouraged to do so seriously. Each person determined to make the EVC should have a "companion", secular / religious ao / a, who can advise throughout the process. Among married to consider each spouse as his second companion. Assumption

prior discernment, as the needs of each person, we suggest some possible pre:

  • Workshop introduction to reading and meditating on the Bible.
  • Workshop Introduction to Ignatian spirituality and prayer.

  • course or reading some foundations of Christology.

  • If married, living together on biblical spirituality marriage.

  • Reading, possibly commented on the group, the Autobiography of St. Ignatius.

  • Once the passenger or the candidate creates sufficiently prepared to have to see a possible date to start the stroke, preferably within a group

    Experience shows that it is efficient to start the introduction and each of the four stages with a retreat Intensive weekend. Its purpose is to gain an overview of what will be done in the coming months, "twinning" with other people with whom you share the same way. Then, in ordinary life extensively, each person or couple is on a regular basis with their spiritual companion that helps you a personalized experience

    have also been useful to form two groups were not very many of exercisers who parallel paths. Each has its intensive meetings a week apart, so it is possible that couples who have nowhere to leave their children to go to each different intensive stages a week apart. This gives also a second chance to the person that presents some unexpected difficulties, so that is not outdated
    Now I invite you to pass the text of the Exercises in daily life

    Index Stage Notes Introductory
    prior to carrying out successful Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in daily life
    Intr. 1 - Ignatius and the Exercises
    Intr. 2 - The prayer meeting God
    Intr. 3 - Entrance to Exercises
    Intr. 4 - Principle and foundation I: We are created by God to be happy
    Intr. 5 - Principle and foundation II: Everything is created to serve as much as we use it for our happiness
    First stage: The love of God to the evil of the world and myself
    I. 1 - sin "of others"
    I. 2 - Sin "structured"
    I. 3 - My infidelities and ingratitude, as seen from the love of God
    I. 4 - Our idolatry
    I. 5 .- My death and my truth
    I. 6 - The possibility of eternal damnation
    I. 7 - sacramental confession and soul
    The pause daily examination of conscience
    I. 8 - Rules of the first week
    a) Notices to interpret and manage the internal movements
    b) Rules not to be distracted by eating
    Phase Two: Following Jesus from about
    II. 1 - King eternal
    II. 2 - God is humanized: the embodiment
    II. 3 - The birth of Jesus
    II. 4 - Children and Youth of Jesus
    II. 5 - The two flags, two systems
    II values. 6 - Attitudes of the followers of Jesus' Beatitudes and Our Father
    II. 7 - Three attitudes: Test of freedom (three binary)
    II. 8 to - Jesus discerns his vocation
    II. 8 b - Three levels of love: Love Test (three degrees of humility)
    II. 9 to - Vocational Discernment
    II. 9 b - I belong to my community
    II. 9 c - My life project
    II. 10 - Jesus invites us to live in community friendship
    II. 11 - Jesus announces the good news to the poor
    II. 12 - Jesus dignity to women and marriage
    II. 13 - The experience of a miracle in my life
    II. 14 - Maria, path and model to reach Jesus
    II. 15 - Who Jesus is for me?
    II. 16 - Rules of the second week
    a) Rules to know the inner movements
    b) Guidelines to help and serve others
    c) Notes for not tied to exaggeration or
    details Stage: The Passion of the Christ. Learn to suffer with him as he
    III. 1 - The message of Jesus is controversial
    III. 2 - The Passover meal
    III. 3 - Trials and torture of Jesus
    III. 4 - The cross, the mystery of love
    III. 5 - Jesus is still suffering and dying today
    Fourth stage: The resurrection of Christ, the fullness of love. Learning to enjoy and succeed with him as he
    IV. 1 - Risen Christ comforts and encourages her friends
    IV. 2 - the risen Jesus sends his spirit
    IV. 3 - the risen Jesus sends his disciples to preach the Good News
    IV. 4 - The Church continues the mission of Christ
    IV. 5 - Living the Resurrection of Christ today
    IV. 6 - The glory of the risen
    IV. 7 - raised with Christ
    Landing Stage: Contemplative in action
    V. 1 - Lay Spirituality: Baptism
    V. 2 - Contemplation to attain love
    V. 3 - Reps updated
    V. 4 - Prayer Alliance. A proposal for the daily examination and pause Ignatian Annex globalizing
    : Parable of the Kingdom
    I - Construction
    II - The banquet
    Chants for the road


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