Sunday, March 14, 2010

Review Magic Pubic Brazilian Cream

SmartBoard exercises. Charting

To encourage reading, we chose two chapters of "Fray Perico and his donkey" (Juan Muñoz Martín, 1979, Collection "The Steamer" Editorial SM). Are converted to *. pdf and upload it to SkyDrive, free online MSN to house documents and other files. Once there and with each student holding sheets of paper reading and activities, links to housing *. pdf and opened in the Firefox browser on the SmartBoard screen. Students were alternately singing reading and reading paragraphs which, incidentally, caused no little laughter among schoolchildren.

class is divided into working groups and, armed with dictionaries of all types, students undertook to complete the questions they were getting from the text in *. pdf unemployment in their respective copies. After activity, they were asking for answers. Which was considered successful, was written with the finger above the corresponding sheet in *. pdf SmartBoard. Everyone was able to complete its work within the stipulated time and the teacher collected the work of all, to correct them thoroughly and put note below. The result is seen in the capture below. The correction of exercises in situ is more of the features of the whiteboard.



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