Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rebuilding Your Knee Cartiges Naturally

-Divine Motherhood of Mary was the first Marian dogma, promulgated in Ephesus in 430 AD At that time it was said it was believed from the origins of Christianity Mary had given birth to the Living God, second person of the Trinity, Emmanuel, or God with us.

"Even with all this, most Protestants deny this great truth revealed very clearly in the scriptures, but they have not admitted any Marian dogma would not this be an exception.

Theotokos Mother of God means in Greek.

Mary is true Mother, as she was actively involved the formation of the human nature of Christ, in the same way that all mothers contribute to the formation of the fruit of her womb. Mother Mary is true because Jesus is true man.

-In this short article seeks to biblical and historical bases of the doctrine of the Theotokos, perhaps the most beautiful doctrine of all the Marian dogmas, the power to be the Mother of God, is the ultimate dignity of a being human can achieve, and that was precisely the will of God, born of a virgin, to be one like us, born as a child-God, so anyone who denies the dogma of the Divine Motherhood is denying the Incarnation of the Word they are both intimately linked.

In the development of this dogma will touch the following points:

biblical foundation. FATHERS FOUNDATION


The Magisterium has consistently held that this dogma unanimous and continuous. Council of Ephesus

At this council in 431 solemnly defined so there was no doubt: "If anyone does not confess that Emmanuel (Christ) is truly God, and therefore the Blessed Virgin is the Mother of God, because Parian in the flesh the Word of God made flesh, let him be accursed"

deny that Mary is Mother of God is to deny that the Word became flesh (denying the Incarnation of God the Son).

Background of the controversy over the divine motherhood of Mary:

Nestorius errors

In the V century, Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople asserted the following errors:

* That there are two different persons Jesus, divine and human. * Your
two natures were not united.
* Therefore, Mary is the Mother of God as it is only the Mother of Jesus the man.
* Jesus was born of Mary just as a man and later "took" the divine, and therefore we say that Jesus is God.

see that these errors of Nestorius, denying that Mary is the Mother of God, also deny that Jesus was truly a divine person assumed a human nature.

doctrine concerning Mary is totally linked to the doctrine concerning Christ. Confuse the other one is confused. When the Church defends the divine maternity of Mary is defending the truth that his son, Jesus Christ is a Person divine. In this battle

doctrinal, St. Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, played an important role in clarifying the position of our faith against the heresy of Nestorius. In 430, Pope Celestine I in a council at Rome, condemned the doctrine of Nestorius and commissioned S. Cyril to initiate a series of matches where you present the truth. Let

says the Council of Ephesus on this:

Of the Incarnation l

[The Bill II St. Cyril of Alexandria to Nestorius, read and approved at the meeting I]

Well, do not say that nature of the Word, transformed, became flesh, but also that is transmuted into the whole man, composed of soul and body, but rather that, having joined them the Word, as hypostasis or person, the flesh animated rational soul, became man so ineffable and incomprehensible and was called son man, not only will or complacency, but neither the assumption of a single person, and that the natures which come together in true unity are different, but both is one Christ and Son, not as if the difference of natures was destroyed by the union, but because the divinity and humanity are rather for us one Lord and Christ and Son by competition ineffable and mysterious unity ... Because no one was born first common man, of the Blessed Virgin, then the Word descended upon him, but, united from the womb, is said to be subjected to carnal birth, and who endorses the birth of the flesh ... In this way [the Fathers] had no objection to calling God mother of the Blessed Virgin.

"From the beginning the Church teaches that in Christ there is only one person, second person of the Holy Trinity. Mary is not only mother nature, the body but also the person who is God from all eternity. When Mary gave birth to Jesus, gave birth at the time who from all eternity was God. Just as any human mother is not only the mother of human body but the person, and Mary gave birth to a person, Jesus Christ, who is both God and man, then she is the Mother of God "-Council of Ephesus

Can. 1. If anyone does not confess that God is as truly Emmanuel, and that therefore the holy Virgin is the Mother of God (as carnally gave birth to the Word of God made flesh), let him be accursed.

To celebrate the proclamation of Ephesus, Parent, accompanied by crowds of the city around them carrying flaming torches, made a huge procession chanting "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. The Theotokos is represented and invoked as queen and mistress to be Mother of the King and Lord.

"After that council there was an explosion of Marian devotion, and built numerous churches dedicated to the Mother of God. Between them stands the Basilica of Saint Mary Major here in Rome. The doctrine concerning Mary, Mother of God, was reconfirmed at the Council of Chalcedon (451), in which Christ was declared "true God and true man (...) born for us and for our salvation from Mary, Virgin Mother of God in his humanity "(DS 301)." -Benedict XVI

Motherhood of Mary was also affirmed by other councils universal, as the Council of Chalcedon (451) and the second of Constantinople (553).

Council of Chalcedon, 451 ecumenical
IV (against the Monophysite)

Definition of the two natures of Christ

Following therefore the holy Fathers, all with one voice teach that is to confess one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the same perfect in divinity and the same perfect in humanity, truly God and truly man the same rational soul and body, consubstantial with the Father as regards divinity, and the same consubstantial with us according to humanity, like us in all things, except sin [Heb. 4, 15], begotten of Father before all ages as to the divinity, and the same, in recent days, for us and for our salvation, born of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, about humanity, which has to recognize one and the same Lord Christ only begotten Son of two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation, by no means erased the difference in nature because of the union, but maintaining, rather, each property and nature exist for one person and one hypostasis, not parted or divided into two persons, but one and the same Son only begotten, God the Word, Lord Jesus Christ, as of old He taught us about the prophets and Jesus himself, and has handed us the Symbol of Fathers [v. 54 and 86].

So after that with full certainty and correctness in all its aspects was written for us this formula, defined the holy and ecumenical council that no one shall be lawful for other faiths, or even write or compose, or feel, or teach others.

JUAN II, 533-535

About "One of the Trinity has suffered" and the BVM, Mother of God
[From 3 Olim quidem letter to the senators of Constantinople, March 534]

As for the glorious holy Virgin Mary, properly taught be confessed by the Catholics as their own and truly born of God and Mother of God the Word, incarnate it. Because really own himself, played in recent times, deigned to be born of the holy and glorious Virgin Mary. So, since it itself and truly became incarnate and was born the Son of God, we confess that own and truly be the mother of God incarnate, born of her, and themselves first, lest they believe the Lord Jesus received honor or grace the name of God, as he felt the fool Nestorius, and really after is not created which took the flesh of the Virgin only in appearance or in any way not true, as stated the wicked Eutyches.

Second Council of Constantinople, 553
Can. 2. If anyone does not confess that there are two births of God the Word, one of the Father before all ages, timeless and incorporeal, the other in the last days, when he himself came down from heaven and was incarnate of the holy and glorious mother of God and ever virgin Mary, and born of her, that this is anathema.

-To finish this point only a curiosity, I have quoted these documents can be viewed as the Church's faith was considered to Mary ever Virgin, as we clearly see this is further proof that the Marian dogmas have always been in the Church even though they were not considered as such, the dogma of Mary's virginity was not defined until well after the Second Council of Constantinople and still is regarded as ever virgin. Marian dogmas are all linked together so that they repel one has to reject everyone.

"Before entering the biblical foundation of the dogma I should explain the concept of" person "and" Nature "and the differences between these two concepts in order to understand much better subsequently presented biblical foundation.

After the controversies of the early centuries of the being of Christ, to express the mystery of the God-Man, the Church has used the words that translate into Castilian by "nature" and "person." Are not synonymous: designating really distinct principles, but in fact there is no human nature without being equipped with "person" or person (human) where no (human) nature. Our language reflects very accurately the distinction, confirming that there is an artificially manufactured subtlety to explain something esoteric or intractable. In effect, is not the same question with the word "why" with the word "who."

"You, what are you?

The answer may be:
"I am a man. Ie I am an individual of the human species, I have a human nature, I'm human.

And now a different question:

"You, who are you?
A fair response would be:

"I am Peter. That is, in fact "I" am not primarily a "what, am a" who "I am not something, I am somebody. Rather, "I have" a "nature" and "am" a "person."

relevant metaphysical considerations, could severely complicate our discourse, but it's easy understand that it is not a "what" than a "who" is not the same as what we call "nature", that what we call "person." This distinction is absolutely necessary to understand that it is absurd or impossible for human nature can be owned by a person not human.

The person is the subject required of any individual human nature. It is unthinkable otherwise. But it is unthinkable, as we suggested in the Revelation that God can create a human nature so that the "I" of this nature, ie the individual who has and maintains, is a divine "I", that is, one of the Persons of the Holy Trinidad. This is a truly unfathomable mystery. We could not imagine that God - the one God, Creator and transcendent - and love could do such a thing, but once known, is not opposed to reason. Repugnant, if nature and person were synonymous terms. Contradiction would be that human nature was both divine and vice versa. But it is a divine person, without ceasing to be God, ie, while possessing the divine nature, come to take possession of human nature to the extent that the same is made the subject of humanity.

The Catholic faith teaches that God, while human nature formed within immaculate Mary, became subject of man conceived in Mary by the Holy Ghost. So, from the moment the Virgenla of the Word. The Word - God eternal - mysteriously, becomes man, one of our own species, one with a nature like ours (except sin), but with a unique singularity: that man is the Word. The "I" of this man, Jesus is the divine "I" of the Word. said "fiat", The Word could say, "this man I am." Jesus, begotten by the Holy Ghost, is true man because he has a real and fully human nature. It is true God, because the person who supports this kind is none other than

The person is not the body or the soul or body and soul together. Body and soul make up the human nature make a man perfect and complete. But that person is more than perfect man is subject irreducible, independent, autonomous from any other, of which preach the generation, conception, birth, descent. In this sense, the "subject" of Jesus or, more accurately, the "subject" called Jesus son of Mary, is truly the Word.

In Christ, therefore no human person, which does not mean that human nature is perfect: it has all the perfections that have or may have any human nature. It is also held to date, enlivened by a person, with the particularity that this is the second of the Holy Trinity. Mary gave birth by the Holy Spirit to a true man he was, from the first moment of its existence, the true God.

That Mary is the Mother of Jesus the man, no doubt, for the simple and compelling reason that gives everything a mother gives her child. But we must add at once: the "who" Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity. However, the real mother of the child are complete, ie, the nature and person. It is logical because person and nature are different realities, but not separable. Hence, fair and truly call Mary Mother of God, for having conceived the human nature of Jesus, whose person is divine. Let us say: Maria de Jesus - namely, God the Son - everything a mother gives her child. She is therefore no doubt and a sense of self, Mother of God the Son.

This explanation fits well with the development of Catholic dogma, defined by the Church at the Council of Ephesus (year 431) against the errors of Nestorius: "The Blessed Virgin is the Mother of God, then gave birth to the Word of carnally God made flesh. " The Council of Chalcedon taught that Christ was "born of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God as humanity"

Once I understood this is already possible to address the biblical quotations that support this doctrine. Perhaps the clearest quote is this:

Why was I given this to me, the mother of my Lord should come to me? Luke 1:43

In Greek it is:
και ποθεν μοι τουτο ινα ελθη η μητηρ του κυριου μου προς εμε

Luke 1:43 Here we see the word Mr Kirios Señor, es un título único de Dios, en otros lugares de las escrituras se usa y siempre para referirse a Dios:

14tirisai her immaculate anepilimpton commandment to the surface of our Lord Jesus Christ

15th kairois at its own δειξει ο μακαριος και μονος δυναστης ο βασιλευς των βασιλευοντων και κυριος των κυριευοντων 1Tim 6:14-15

That is to say:

14 to keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,

15 which at the time by the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of Lords, 1 Tim 6:14-15

see as Christ is the Lord of Lords, a title given to God in the Old Testament, Christ is Lord, and Luke 1:43 tells us that Mary is the Mother of God and as the Lord is God, Mary is the Mother of God.

28απεκριθη θωμας και ειπεν αυτω ο κυριος μου και ο θεος μου John 20:28

Here we show how Thomas calls Christ Lord and God, and Christ is truly God and the Lord, the title of Lord always applied to God, so in this text is proved that that it was the Lord of Elizabeth, Thomas Lord himself that is true God and if Isabel calls Mary Mother of the Lord is calling the Mother of God, for the Lord is God according to John 20:28.

different verses in the Gospels is called Mary Mother of Jesus and know that Jesus is God so called mother of Jesus is to call her Mother of God, also in deeds is called the mother of Jesus: 1:14

All they continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and their hermanos.Hechos 1:14 1:18

Birth Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Mateo1: 18

1:16 and Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ Matthew 1:16

De Maria was born on Christ according to Matthew 16, therefore it can be Mary's mother of Christ, who is God.

2:11 And as he entered the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped him: and opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frankincense and

mirra.Mateo 1:31 2:11 And now you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. Luke 1:31
Since the AT is predicted this, that God Himself will be born of a woman, the eternal and immutable Emmanuel, born of a Virgin:

7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

This prophecy was fulfilled in the NT so we detailed what the evangelist St. Matthew

1:23 Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shalt call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. Matthew 1:23

So we can say that Mary is the mother of Emmanuel or "God with us." I wish to highlight something important, Emanuel title is unique in Scripture, is actually used very rarely and always refers to God, so we see in the OT is called Emmanuel:

8:8 and pass through Judah, flood and pass through, and come to the throat, and spreading its wings fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel. Isaiah 8:8

Clearly in this verse speaks of the land belonging to Yahvhe to God, Emmanuel, this is curious because the name Emmanuel mean here that the prophet is testifying to their existence, and to appoint him 7:14 tells us it will play and a woman is your mother. Because this is a test of how the eternal God, Emmanuel, was made flesh and born of the Virgin Mary as no divinity but by his humanity, but being a divine person and as such, Mary is the mother of that person.

At the birth of Christ, one involving the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin Mary, there is no intervention by man, that is why the more reason Mary is the mother of God, for speaking at his birth:

1: 13 who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and really. John 1:13-14

Christ was made flesh, by God not any man, the will of God, was to join the Holy Spirit with Mary: 1:35

the angel answered and said, The Spirit Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you: therefore also that holy thing born will be called the Son of God.

Luke 1:35 and Luke see also called the Son of God, and do well in the Scriptures we find that call Christ the son of Mary:

6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, brother James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Did not are also his sisters here with us? And they took offense at him. Mark 6:3 Then we

that Christ is the Son of God, and also the son of Mary, therefore Mary is the mother of Christ who is God, Mother of God or the second person of the Trinity.


Los Padres closer to the teaching of the Apostles, as St. Ignatius of Antioch (+ 107), speak of the divine motherhood of Mary. Notably St. Justin (+ 165), St. Irenaeus (+ 202), Tertullian (+ 220 / 230), San Hipólito (+ 235). Origen is the first which gives us the happy news formula "Theotokos" (= Mother of God), which are then in such important authors as St. Athanasius, St. Didymus, Gregory of Nyssa, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. Epiphanius of Salamis, St. John Damascene. The Latin equivalent is in St. Ambrose of Milan, St. Jerome and others. Here are some quotes

let us clear this doctrine:

Our God, Jesus Christ, was conceived by Mary according to God's plan: the seed of David, is true, but the Holy Spirit. He was born and baptized in a presentation that could purify the water. "(Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Ephesians 18.2)
Interesting this letter St. Ignatius of Antioch, disciple of St. John clearly states that God was conceived by Mary. San Ignacio is not clearly uses the term Mother of God but his teaching is very clear in saying God was conceived by Mary. This was written about 106 AD which shows that the doctrine of the divine motherhood of Mary was already in the early Christian communities.

"The Virgin Mary is obedient to his word, received from an angel of good news that God was going to have." (Irenaeus, Against Heresies 5,19,1)

St. Irenaeus confirms 50 years after this teaching of St. Irenaeus, Mary tube to God in her womb. It is therefore a very enlightening testimony, remember St. Irenaeus was a disciple of St. Polycarp who was a disciple of St. John, is so steeped in apostolic doctrine.

"This Virgin became a mother holding her virginity, and while still a virgin holding a baby in her womb, and the slave and the work of his wisdom became the Mother of God." (St. Ephrem, "Songs of Praise 1.20)

" After that, we recognize the resurrection of the dead, of which our Lord Jesus Christ was the firstborn, who was not a body in appearance but in fact, derived from MOTHER OF GOD. "(Alexander of Alexandria Letters, 12) (Alexander of Alexandria, Letters 12).

"Accordingly, the Son of God became Son of man, so that the children of man, ie Adam, might become children of God. The Word begotten of the Father from above, ineffable inexplicable, incomprehensible and ever, it is He who is born in time here below, of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God "

(The" big "Athanasius, Incarnation of the Word of God, 8)

" Many, Mi dear, are the true witnesses of Christ. The Father bears witness from heaven to his Son. The Holy Spirit bears witness, coming down the body in the form of a dove. The Archangel Gabriel bears witness, a bearer of Mary. The Virgin Mother God is my witness "( The "big" Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures, 10:19)

"If someone does not agree that Mary is the Mother of God, he disagrees with the Divine." (Gregory of Nazianz, Letters 101)

"He assumed human flesh and soul, perfect in the hand of the Father and incarnate among us, not in appearance but in truth, but man reshaped itself to perfection same, of Mary, Mother of God by the Holy Spirit. " ((Epiphanius of Salamis, The healthy man anchored 75)

"When, therefore, they ask," Is Mary the Mother of man or Mother of God? "Respond" both "mother of man, because he was a man who was in the womb of Mary and who left there, and Mother of God, because God was in the man who is born "(Theodore of Mopsuestia, La Encarnación 15)

As in age of Mary, Mother of God, who had reigned from Adam to her time found, when he approached her and threw his forces against the fruit of her virginity as against a rock, which was shattered to pieces on it, so that every soul that passes through this life in the flesh under the protection of virginity, the strength of death is a way broken and void, not to find the places in which they may fix his sting.

Gregory of Nyssa , virginity, 14 (AD 370), in NPNF2, V :359-360

"Come, then, Mary's life to be like were virginity itself, set in a portrait, which, like a mirror, reflecting the emergence of chastity and the form of virtue. From this you can take your life pattern, showing, for example, clear rules of virtue which must be corrected, in order, and to be fast. The first thing that lights burning in learning is the greatness of the master. What is greater than the Mother of God? "

Ambrosio, virginity, II: 6 (CAD 378), in NPNF2, X: 374

"And what you say, O heretic, whoever he is, who deny God born of the Virgin Mary the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ should not be called Theotokos, that is, Mother of God, but Christotocos, ie, only the Mother of Christ, not God. For one, ie the above takes time. And this argument completely absurd that you think that the birth of God can be understood by the carnal mind, and fancy that the mystery of His Majesty can be explained by human reasoning, we will, if God permits, say something later. In the meantime we are going to demonstrate divine testimony that Christ is God, and that Mary is the Mother of God. "John Cassian, The Incarnation of Christ, II: 2 (AD 430), in NPNF2, XI: 556

"But as the Virgin Mary gave birth after the flesh of God personally united to the flesh, therefore we can say it is Theotokos, not as if the nature of the word had its beginning to be meat, because it was in the beginning, and the Word was God and the Word was with God .... but, as we said before, because personally united human nature itself ... "

Cyril of Alexandria, Nestorius, Epistle 17:11 (AD 430), the CCC, 306

"Then Jesus was at once in all things and above all things and dwelt in the bosom of Holy Mother of God, but in it for the power incarnation. "

John Damascene, Source of Knowledge, III: 7 (AD 743), in NPNF2, IX: 51


1 .-) Who would think that Mary is the Mother of God. Mother of God, if God is eternal and Mary. God always existed, and Mary. How will be Mary Mother of God, God is before Mary? Does the child may be older than your mother? What will be Mary Mother of God, God is eternal and Mary is not eternal? Children can not be older than her mother. The mother can not be later than

son .. However, it is true that Mary is the Mother of God. Why? Because God is incarnate in the womb of Mary. Jesus is God made man. Mary is the Mother of Jesus, and if Jesus is God, Mary is the Mother of the Man who is God. If what is born of Mary is God, Mary is the Mother of God. As Mary Mother of Jesus and be Jesus-God, Mary the Mother of God we call, because she is mother of a man who at the same time is God.

Here's an example: If a man do mayor, his mother is the mother of the mayor. The mother does not give the mayor, but as the mother of this man and this man do mayor, his mother, the mother of the mayor, although she did not give the mayor. Same thing. Mary is the Mother of this Man who is God. To be the Mother of Jesus, God, Mary is the Mother of God. Although she did not give the Divine. But is the Mother of Jesus, who is Man and God at the same time. Therefore, Mary is the Mother of God.

found in the dictionary that "mother" is the woman who gives birth. It is said that she gave birth mother. If we accept that Mary is the mother of Jesus and that He is God, then Mary is the Mother of God.

should not be confused between time and eternity. Mary, obviously, was not mother of the Son eternally. She begins to be the Mother of God as the Eternal Son wanted to enter the time and become a man like us. To become a man wanted to have a mother. Galatians

4:4: "when the fullness of time God sent forth his Son, born of woman."

God became man without ceasing to be God, therefore Mary is the mother of Jesus, God and true man. "

John 1, 13:" He who was born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but born of God. "

St. Paul tells us that was born of Mary, and John tells us that God was born. Therefore the child born is of God and Mary and how it gave light, then gave birth to God.

Then Mary is the Mother of God, not because I have begotten in eternity, but because it engendered 2000 years ago in the Incarnation. God did not need a mother but wanted to have to approach us with infinite love. God is the only one who could choose his mother and, to the consternation of some and joy of others, chose the Blessed Virgin Mary who is and will always be the Mother of God.

As we said before, Emmanuel God is eternal, so much so that already existed in the Old Testament:

8:8 and pass through Judah, overflow and pass forward, and come to the throat, and extending his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel. Isaiah 8:8

But this Emmanuel became incarnate and became man, born of a virgin:

7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore

Emmanuel, the eternal, if you are able to incarnate and born of a virgin.

2 .-) Mary is the Mother of God as it is only the Mother of Jesus the man.

Jesus was born of Mary just as a man and later "took" the divine, and therefore we say that Jesus is God.

This is the error of Nestorius, in the V century already walked preaching, which is why the Church tube meet to declare the dogma Divine Maternity of Mary.

see that these errors of Nestorius, denying that Mary is the Mother of God, also deny that Jesus was a divine person.

The doctrine concerning Mary is totally linked to the doctrine concerning Christ. Confuse the other one is confused. When the Church defends the divine maternity of Mary is defending the truth that his son, Jesus Christ is a divine person.

Mary is the Mother of God. This is the largest of all the Marian dogmas, and the root and foundation of the singular dignity of the Virgin Mary.

The child born was God, this is so because it was worshiped, and Scripture gives us proof:

1:6 And again, when you enter the firstborn into the world, he said: Worship him all the angels of God. Hebrews 1:6

2:11 And as he entered the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped him: and opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11

Both men worshiped angels as Christ, and Scripture teaches that God loves only so we can tell the child that was God.

3.-And Mary is the Mother of the Blessed Trinidad. That is what is stated by saying the mother of God.

así.María Actually this is not the mother of the second person of the Holy Trinity, when one speaks of the Trinity, speaking to 3 people, Mary is the mother of a single person, the second, but man more related to the Trinity.

Mary is the daughter of the Father, so that she is the daughter of God. Mary is the wife of the Spirit, so is the wife of God. And, of course, Mary is the mother of Jesus to Mary is the Mother of God.

Father's Daughter:

3:2 Beloved, now we are children of God, and not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 1 John 3:2

Mother of the Son:

1:31 And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son and call his name JESUS. Luke 1:31

Wife of the Holy Spirit: 1:35

the angel answered and said: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also holy one to be born will be called the Son of God Luke 1:35


With this brief article has given enough biblical and historical evidence why Catholics call Mary Mother of God because it is truly the mother of the Second Person of the Trinity, and we agree with the Scriptures and with the early Christians believe this. Hope has been useful and serve to defend this doctrinal truth in his day the Fathers made against those who refused.

God Bless!

Sources: / jgallegos / contents.htm


to save. Jorge Loring

King James Bible / Bible Jerusalem





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