The Different Vocal Techniques
vocal techniques
There are several schools of vocal techniques throughout the world in which all agree is that breath control is a key factor and this control should diaphragm come much better than from breast. Inadequate breathing very shallow chest (the tendency people have no preparation to inflate the top of your lungs, shrugging his shoulders and puffing out his chest) can not provide the necessary strength and the impetus necessary to sing in a sustained and make your voice reaches equally to all public . If breathing is uncontrolled comes fatigue and excessive sound volume at the outset that in a short time ago the singer who does this to get a smooth passage can not cope with as they should. A great singer with proper breath control should maintain the same musical quality of sound, from one end to another of its volume as possible, ie singing softly to be equally clear that full-throated singing. In the bel canto (Donizetti, Bellini ... beautiful singing with many flourishes). The control and flexibility are particularly important. That
many people think when they hear in a concert to an opera singer, how is it possible that hold so much?, For all is thanks largely to the control of breathing.
I explain some little secrets, see if you throw to sing and catch your breath for it forget the part of the breast that should not move anything but on the occasions that the song requires a swipe of special intensity. You will tell you for nothing hincharé tummy, because if you remember not the words he said diaphragm for it to work and what are the main side should move back up to the floating ribs. There are wild out there that they have been removed to be easier to do this or even wear a chest strap not to move ... wild. What you need to do is control not physically force.
Another thing is the diction. The human voice and notes more or less beautiful and refined as the instrument je je je, can and should read a text, this is a problem for most of the singers, because many people say "the opera singers are not understand what they say "many vecesno a problem of not knowing languages, a problem of the singer, again I have to provide an example of evil in the Sutherland that is notable for its diction very pasty and histrionic force eyebrows, facial tension and little relaxation, this woman owes a headache after a concert ... but this people to triumph and clear this is something, in this case is enormous power in his voice, but that not all. If you listen to Tito Schipa will see how powerful a voice is not perfect and the nuances needed.
A singer must also be able to vary the vocal color, the paradigm of what should be done is to force the voice that sounded good Otello Pavarotti was forced to this force and not to change the tone as this is a possibility of type of voice you're talking about something you can not choose freely.
opera Each author and each author requires a different nuance things.
requires refinement and elegance voice calls as I see that the singers have decent bass, singers qe habituation are considered good singers of Mozart, as Kraus, if ois sing for example "An Aura Amorosa" in a party says "oo oo sweet rooo risto, here it is simply the duster.
fua varying
Verdi in his first and middle opera, Nabucco until Trovatore more or less, requires extreme singers mostly vocal, but from Aida and Otello especially requires a lot more expressive, perhaps an overture to Wagner at least in Otello, but of course is another way of understanding the music totally different.
Wagner requires precision and knowledge of German as the pronunciation of this language in the song that sounds brutal sn is difficult, I confess that I did not succeed. Puccini
demands attention as their apparently simple complexities, are easy to overlook.
However the above is not what makes a rubbing the superhuman voice, you can not understand or classify. Great singers and have been without doubt, as di Stefano members have had serious flaws, perhaps because of this his career was not as long as he could have been, and its decline the mistake was to continue singing and did so in his own decay time with Maria Callas, the recordings are an example of what should never recorded.
The human voice will always be a mystery ...
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