Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Dr Dolittle Cinderella Song


Named, the singer who plays, different vocal styles to classical music such as folk, ballad, jazz, rock, pop, etc. The popular singer is not usually a vocal training, singing by intuition, however, today there is already some concern. Beautiful voices have always been popular, they have not been worked within a context of vocal technique.

Zegra and Naydich (1) claim that the singer's vocal technique and modern lírico es la misma, siendo disímiles las necesidades de unos y otros.

Estas diferencias las podríamos resumir así:

1. El cantante moderno no requiere de un gran desarrollo vocal a nivel de volumen y resonancia por el uso constante de micrófonos y amplificadores.

La intensidad se encuentra en un rango aproximado de 70 a 80 dB, por tanto no requiere de una voz muy dotada, no tiene que realizar los adornos y proezas del canto lírico. Lo más importante es el aspecto interpretativo, la modulación y dicción conservando siempre el estilo propio del tipo de música que interpreta.

2. El registro de la voz que más utiliza es el medio, ampliando hacia el agudo y el grave according to the needs of his style. Popular melodies usually do not require a very wide tonal handling, so that they fit your vocal possibilities.

3. The modern singing voice does not use a classification. The extension of the voice does not exceed two octaves.

4. The demands of vocal technique are lower than in classical singing, however, you must have an excellent ear for music, pitch, rhythm and artistic sensibility.

5. Some styles are more demanding than others, such as Rock, Jazz and some types of ballads and more.


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