Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Find A Women Who Wishes To Go Bald


The coordinator of the National Platform of Entertainment and Arts Audiovisual Xavier Sarabia

The highest audience in the last 22 years, 31 international awards, six tapes Creole simultaneously in theaters and 15 releases are the record of the last 12 months in the national cinema. "2010 will be recognized when history is written as a very important year," said the coordinator of the National Cinema Platform and Audiovisual Arts, Xavier Sarabia, with respect to the achievements of the national cinema during the past twelve months.

In his view, beyond the figures, one of the ranges important is that this year fell several myths that somehow prevented the emergence of this artistic industry in the homeland of Bolívar.

One of the stigmas collapsed was the unfounded belief that two Venezuelan films could not coexist on the card at the same time, for allegedly hurting the hearing of the other. For about six months in the tender film contained at least two national titles simultaneously.

What has happened, says the manager, is the opposite: People who watched a tape of local production were interested to see the other Venezuelan production was offering the card.

Until this year the cinema exhibitors argued that the public perceived local productions as a single genus. For José Antonio Varela, president of the Villa del Cine, that belief was removed by an aggressive policy of releases that began early in the second half of 2010, combined with a similar approach from the National Autonomous Cinematography Center (CNAC).

precisely in September came a totally new fact in the history of cinema: The public had the opportunity to choose among six titles Creoles, one documentary. That month shared space on billboards The faces of the devil, Carlos Malave, gentle hands, the brothers Alejandro and Andres Eduardo Luis Rodriguez, Taita Boves, Luis Alberto Lamata, Havana Eve by Fina Torres; Cheila a house pa 'Maita , Eduardo Barberena, and brother, Marcel Rasquin.
"That has been also understand that the national audience to the cinema irrespective of gender. Do not have an audience inclined to one type of film, has been historical thriller film, some drama, with a touch of comedy. So that has vindicated the cinema is an integral part of Venezuelan culture, "said Sarabia.

Meeting of generations in the Big Screen

As for the opportunity to venture make a film this year contradicts the view that funding agencies and support in this area benefited only a group of filmmakers and consolidated. Sarabia mentioned as arguments, operas cousin, the zero hour and Marcel Heart Amorcito Rasquin, and Carmen Velasco Diego Roa, respectively.

Added to this are works of new artists who benefited from child support, or other entities for Subhysteria, Leonard Zelig and Enemy at home, Cesar Saffont. Emerging directors this year were able to exhibit their first feature films. Another

for veterans like Cesar Bolivar, who had 15 years off the big screen when it opened its newest police, death in high contrast. Fina Torres, after the women up, not directed a film for about 10 years. And Elia Schneider After his film Punto y raya in 2004, he returned to Des-authorized.

Xavier Sarabia's view, this meeting of the generations and all that has happened in the film industry since January, is made possible by the confluence of a set of institutions that are now maturing as the National Platform for Film and Media Arts.

stressed that all work has been done since the platform is a testament to the inclusive nature of management in this sector, especially from the Villa del Cine, a far cry from what some critics thought. "I do not think that co-productions or productions that make the Villa gobierneras can be attacked."

cited the case of Eva Havana, which is attacked by people on the left and right. Zero Hour also where "the audience of both sectors are in favor or against something." "The film does not have a single reading, has multiple, and when they do we are faced with a work of art," he reflected. "Can you criticize Havana Eve? We like or not like, but I do not mean frivolous taste, this film gives to discuss, this is not achieved with all the commercial cinema."

recalled that just four years ago there was the Village Cinema and Film and the Film Amazonia was just two rooms and now only has 16 different states. He added that the number of releases, which in 2010 reached a record 14 productions, can be taken as a reference to the goals of the coming years. "There is the possibility that the Villa del Cine maintain a pace of production and release that borders the 14 or 16 movies."

"The 2010 will not be viewed with nostalgia as with the 80. In those years we did not find conditions to be maintained." But "no one can dare to say that Cinema City is not going to keep growing, the Cinematheque is not going to go from 16 rooms that have now, probably to 22 next year. No one can dare say that it will have less money for independent films, "said the coordinator of the Platform National Film and Media Arts.

The figures

Of the 15 productions that were planned Venezuelan label in 2010, six were supported by the National Autonomous Cinematography Center, namely: Amorcito heart, Des-authorized Brother The faces of the devil, Zero Hour and Extremes. Two other minority co-productions were the same institution, such as Nine months (Spain) and Tarata (Peru).

Five were created thanks to the Villa del Cine. These are Cheila, a house pa 'Maita, Havana Eva, Taita Boves, gentle hands and Death in High Contrast. Between the two that were made with independent financing, home and Subhysteria Enemy, the first received input from regional governments and the second was supported by making copies of Cnac.

Interestingly, despite the record, Jose Antonio Varela recalled that in the four years that has made the institution he leads, there have been 26 films in total, with 2010 the year less fruitful of all in terms of production. According

Alizar said Dahdah, president of CNAC, during 2010, supported 60 projects for which earmarked about 60 million Bs, 40 of them led to feature films and 20 at short and medium length. While from the Villa was invested 29 million bolivars six motions were used to support production and 10 in post production.

in 2010 also recorded the largest audience of national cinema in the last 22 years and doubled the number of viewers who regularly go to movie theaters vernacular motivated. Until December 12 1,612,781 people had paid admission to see a tape made on our land and is expected before the end of the year to attend at least 37,219 more, for a total of 1.65 million viewers.

Xavier Sarabia argues that in reality this number is much higher under the projections made in squares and streets with mobile cinema in the Film and 180 community halls scattered throughout the country.

The age distribution among the 10 highest grossing films, until mid-December 2010 was as follows. The zero hour, 601,131; Brother, 308,767; Havana Eva, 175,597; nine months, 93,835; The faces of the devil, 78,308; Cheila a house pa 'Maita, 63,618; Subhysteria, 53,182; Taita Boves, 38,704; Death in high contrast, 29,373 and Amorcito heart, 17,149. All this happens, unfortunately, even if only informal trade has managed to sell the productions Venezuela at the same time it premiered on the big screen.

As for the quality of the proposals, make it grow 31 international awards that have so far accumulated 10 Venezuelan film productions, festivals of high global significance such as Huelva, Havana, Moscow, Los Angeles and New York, to name a few. Among the most decorated Brother and Venezzia count with 10 awards each and Havana Eve, with four. There are still hopes for the American Oscar Goya and English.

Short-term targets

"We have to reach agreements and solutions that we see fit with the channels of commerce to improve the distribution and exhibition of Venezuelan film," said initially Sarabia, referring to the factors to improve for the future.

Another weakness to address, in his view, has to do with optimizing audience studies and creating processes for their formation. Also considered necessary to advance the current reform of the Cinematography Act. "If we are in a relaunch of the Republic, we must understand that there are laws that are untouchable even if they are made within the process," he said. Among other things, noted in this connection the need to include the new institutions in legal texts.

technological independence, mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bpost-production is one of the bottlenecks to be solved in the short term. In this regard, Jose Varela reported that the Villa del Cine made an investment of nearly one million dollars worth of equipment to lower costs, especially in the incorporation of Dolby sound and video transfer to 35 mm format. "We will be able to cover the domestic market and the countries of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America," said the director.

latter will, including independent filmmakers, have the option to make the Villa del Cine post-production work, which are usually the most expensive of the entire process of filmmaking. In terms of volume of production, the president of the Villa del Cine is plotted goal, more than recovering the previous pace, to overcome to reach between 10 and 12 features for the next year.



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