The Holy Spirit sanctifies and leads not only to the people of God through the sacraments and the ministries and enriches it with virtues, but by distributing to each as he wills (1 Cor. 12:11), distributed among the faithful because of all kinds, special even with the available and ready to undertake various tasks and profitable trades for a broader construction of the Church. These charisms, whether the extraordinary as the simplest and most common because they are very happy and useful to the needs of the Church, must be received with thanksgiving and consolation. (Vatican Council II, Const. On the Church, Cap. 2 No.12)
The word CARISMA means free gift and comes from the Greek word "grace" that means GRACE
The charisms are a personal gift, which NO MEANS NO MERIT BY THE PERSON but are a manifestation FREE AND FREE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE BELIEVER through it and beyond their abilities or skills , having previously received the gift of the Spirit, and PURPOSE IS BUILDING THE BODY OF CHRIST.
** We can therefore say that the gifts are for others not for the person who receives Unlike gifts that are for the sanctification of the individual
Charisms indicate no sanctity in the person.
Charisms indicate no sanctity in the person.
St. Paul advises us to aspire to the charisma and shows that none of them would be important not charity, it is therefore that we must aim above all (1 Cor 12:27, 13 and 14:1 ) also lists 9 charisms us in his First Epistle to the Corinthians:
** FE: When we watch the Holy Spirit to show others what Jesus taught us we need is faith to believe in the gifts of the Spirit and the Lord is saying through them.
** WORD OF WISDOM: is a revelation to the believer's spirit by which it means something special from God, or what his will in a certain thing or situation is addressed if we apply ourselves to our life or we present to others if it is for them.
** WORD OF KNOWLEDGE: is being so close to Jesus and knowing him so well that when we are in a situation we know whether that comes from him, ie to know the likes of Jesus.
DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS **: lets us know if something comes from God, give the human spirit or the enemy must be very pure charisma and be stripped of all personal idea premeditated or influenced by any situation or idea.
** PROPHECY: speak the same word of God to others: It is a very strong impulse of the Lord to give others a message as if Christ himself were speaking. To be sure that a prophecy is real there must be obedience and acceptance, purity of motive (do not mix human interests) and humility.
** SPEAKING IN TONGUES: strong impulse to proclaim the Lord's message through tongues Prayer is a gift that is used to building, sometimes serves to reinforce our requests to God.
** INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES: is a gift of the Lord by which we can interpret what another brother prays in tongues, to community building.
** HEALTH: It is that God uses a person as his instrument to cure a disease or disorder of another person, applying this power, which manifests as physical healing, spiritual or release .
** MIRACLES: Is feeling to such a degree the power of Jesus, have such confidence that he wants to act at that moment, you can ask for something that is against natural laws.
These charisms can be two divisions:
- THE GIFT OF POWER: They ultimately a revelation of God that drives a person to act, but God's power manifested more openly. They are mainly the gifts of healing and works miracles.
- THE GIFT OF REVELATION AND EDUCATION: are intimately linked to the words of John the Baptist "He must increase and I must decrease" (Jn 3, 30). As we die to ourselves, as the carnal man disappears, the spiritual senses awake and grow, we understand Christ and He can increasingly act in us and through us. Among them are: The word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discernment, Prophecy and Tongues, the latter discussed below.
Prepared by: Ada Mireya Espinosa
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