Quisiera decir que he estado en muchas partes
que he recorrido el mundo o por lo menos
decir que aunque fuera, he recorrido mi tierra!
Pero realmente no ha sido así, ni siquiera
puedo decir, que he salido de mi cárcel,
que he roto mis cadenas y que corro lejos!!
La verdad, y pese a que empiezo a resucitar
even still, I ended up lifting,
with confidence that once, when I started to wander.
And it has my old haughtiness failure to protect,
who tried to kill, looking for something more noble to go ...
'm not giving up yet and so, from the ashes awake Pilgrim
to handle searching the Warrior that lives in me,
as the dying King of Kings in the celestial vault
and the poet takes cold pen WELCOMING the talking for me.
I look forward and thus release the complete my trinity.
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