Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Create A 3d Shoes


Jacqueline Faria, casually like this reporter (Paula Giraud) studied at the Colegio Madre Emilia, located in Los Dos Caminos, Municipio Sucre, Miranda State ...
The Ministry of Culture and Recreation of the city of Caracas, also came under the jurisdiction of Jacqueline Faria, Head of Government of the Capital District ...

Caracas, October 20, 2009

Formally, the Ministry of Culture and his staff (including me) until YESTERDAY was the city of Caracas, from YA is under the direction of Jacqueline Faria, Head of Government of the Capital District. 40 days ago I made the request for a Special Retirement (I only lack the legal age), and a copy of all my precautions to Jacqueline Faria the September 29, 2009 at 11:24 am.

That is what God wants. In fact the last 9 years have been a nightmare for political, business and financial injustices in today's work "skeletal" city of Caracas. of this institution is only a mirage and nothing more . Like hundreds of decent officers we go by the back door and without a penny in his pocket.

From the first week of January 2010 if God gives me life and health, begin to seek other employment and economic directions. But I've lived in the past 9 years ME NO MORE NEVER THE CALO in any state institution ( is opposition or pro-Chavez). already know my colleagues and friends: Since January 2010 I start looking for work. I have to wait end of this year and to define all legal and labor puzzle.

phone: 0416 728 November 1985

Friday, May 15, 2009

Barska 25-125x88 Wp Benchmark Spotting Scope

the melody of your smile

I feed your smile
reminds me of the origin of my fantasy
where it was impossible utopia

That sounds nice its melody;
reminds me of my descanzo between dolphins and oysters
APAS what the look of my princess
and how great the poor commoner who invents all

as I understand Quixote's poor commoners being
between his truth and madness, sleep every night;
is that beautiful melody that shows
the way in the eyes of his beloved Dulcinea ...

And while that makes it platonic love,
For now I'll keep the donkey herding Sancho
trying to get out of the shadows and dark

Writer for even poor commoners and the beautiful Dulcinea

They want!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Period Blood With Mucus


I'm no longer a gray arlequin
lost without laughter
and that only through you laugh .. .

I can only clean the makeup
and watch the last smile
to the scene could retire

Friday, May 1, 2009

How Many Calories In A Vegetable Stir Fry

dream no longer!

H ome time I beat insomnia;
perhaps because I forgot what it is to sleep.
The dream of waking up every morning with the
look fantastic in the infinity of the glorious liberty.

I do not feel curious to know that I will
across the horizon
and just think back to where I started ...

Ya no tengo quién camine conmigo
sólo me queda quienes me siguen o a quien sigo
o peor aún tan sólo tengo...
"quién me persigue"... mi propio yo!

Ya no sueño...!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Get Rid Pimples Inside Nose

With a rose and a bom-bom

Cuanto quisiera hoy tener las alas
para alzar el vuelo más allá los sueños
y poder cubrirte con mis brazos;
que lluevan sobre ti petalos de rosas
y endulzar tus labios con fino cacao.

Que your smile lead me to the brightness of your eyes
and give you poems that make you blush
do not forget to never forget you
and with a rose and bom-bom
your door and your heart would come.

Just to tell you fulfill many more!

Fe liz Birthday m i nice poker ubin!
F and liz Meets eaños my dear Om Gutierrez aira!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Audex Jacket Problems

journey begins

The Time Pilgrim Cap II Episode I

ubo H during his fight

which did Pilgrim ,

looking bases seeking ways,

looking for something that was lost.

And so begins the journey:

dry season was at its Earth

its United began to grow

in a great battle was about to beat

lacked only , find a key

one that said, "would open

The Doors La Victoria."

In northern dream promised

build a Empire Indestructible .

departed in search of the key, flying in his Chimera

traveling across the sky

reaching the extreme limit of its Universe

where only the eye can see.

And that's where the key was found,

hanging by a thread

front of two doors;

The Doors The Victoria ,

still just a right.

He went closer and closer

and while else did,

its surroundings would clouding.

ordered his Chimera

flapping harder,

to counter Mist

and thus take the key.

But such force caused

big and strong winds

that wrapped the Pilgrim

knocked on his winged horse

and fall, opened a chasm .

which The key mirage disappeared,

he and his Chimera fell

in the depths of the crater.

holding onto a rock edge

from continuing its descent

while before their eyes

its Chimera succumbed

a fateful death.

Dejected by the terrible outcome

soltose to stay the same.

Ironically, this did not happen.

fell on rocky soil

a huge tunnel front

and a strange dark.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Completed Mount&blade

charisms of the Holy Spirit

Spiritual retreats are one of the best ways to encounter God in solitude and inner silence.
retreats and spiritual exercises are one of the best ways to encounter God in solitude and inner silence. Following the example of Christ, whom we will pray through the Spirit lights to discern the true will of God and the forces necessary to continue fulfilling the tasks assigned.

"Silence is intended to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit who dwells within our soul. God does not speak in the welter of impressions, or dissipation. When the soul is quiet inside and outside, when the soul is collected within itself, that's when God speaks and when the soul can hear. Many times the Holy Spirit is crying with unspeakable groanings, but the soul does not hear because it is beside herself, attentive to what happens outside. "
(Excerpt from the letter" He speaks in the silence "of P . Marcial Maciel, 30 August 1959)
The beauty of the landscape, the silence of the environment and the memory of the martyrs cristeros, provide an excellent framework for dialogue with Christ.

The spiritual life of a missionary tour around five loves:

1. love of Jesus Christ: the missionary effort to make Christ the center of his life, his best friend, companion and teacher .

2. Love for the Blessed Virgin Mary: the missionary imitate the Blessed Virgin Mary in all her virtues, especially humility, charity, purity and obedience.

3. Love the Pope and the Bishops who teach in communion with him, the missionary adheres to the Doctrine of the Church and the mandates of the Holy Father.

4. Loving the Church: the missionary work of the Church, the Church and from the Church, which is the sign and instrument loved by Christ to deliver salvation to men.

5. Love souls: the missionary working with Christ in the salvation of souls bought by him with his precious blood

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mount And Blade Gold Hack


Many think I'm

The end of what we call life.

For another example that guides them

And most deluded, a mistake of God

They even think

that reach out

gradually release their sins

and are saved in the hereafter ...

But I am just a Pilgrim

Seeking to make the best

As Father and Son

As Husband and as a Friend.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Vesper Lynd White Phone

Born of Fire

The Pilgrimage of Time. I Cap.
Somewhere in the world,
in a space of time
after a long wait, arrived.
With the wind against him, Born Fire
began to build his Kingdom, in just a thought.

Sheltered by the person who thought United
faced the destination
that presaged the sages of the time
(in which never trusted):
" ... desolation in their Land
without bases or material for
consumed ignorance and devastated by the Wind
death lurking in the universe ... Basto "
was what he expected.

found weapons in this fight
won many allies who fought with him.
learned of those who faced
cemented bases for United and still looking for material.

20 translations then this bodes
mantienense their land, with fertile seasons
and other drought-rich as any land.
With many bases, looking for materials
to ignorance consuming.
And what the wise men did not realize
is that air is not devastating, but it fuels the fire.

With the wind against him, that Fire Born
began to build his Kingdom, in which only one believed
with the vision of an Empire Indestructible do
and that vision is now for all credible.

With this poem was born Pilgrim History of Time 13 years ago.
try posting a poem of that story every week

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Power Source In Scarab In Halo 3

At Least a Kiss

feel fear and embrace hope
or at least a kiss. Let me say quiet

count on me, I'm by your side.

long ago I do not want at this time

hear a word.
Especially if they do not listen ...

If you do not understand, there are moments in which
a hug or a kiss
at least poke their sanity and fears away.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pinnacle Pctv Tv Center Pro 4.94

Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Retreat for adults

IVE Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius for Internet
have the to help you exercise them to discover what God's will for your life

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola is an ordered sequence of meditations and contemplations-exercises-that arise from the deep spiritual experience Ignacio lives after their conversion, in order to help that is exercised on them to discover what God's will for your life.

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises back to Notepad in which Ignatius describes his spiritual experiences during their visit to the city of Manresa, where, as he writes in his autobiography "God treated him the same way that a teacher is school to a child (Autobiography 27).

Ignacio decides to write this Booklet of the Spiritual Exercises for the purpose of helping others, communicating ideas and feelings that he had been transformed. Therefore, designs and produces rather as a guide, not so much to the experience-but to which preaches.

The goal of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises is to help the exerciser to know and discern what God wants of him, and desire and choose that.

In particular, the Spiritual Exercises are very useful for organizing everyday life according to God's will, and even discover what vocation God is calling me, for those who have not yet decided.

While it is optimal to retire to a quiet place for retreat, and have the guidance of a priest 'in person', but since this is not always feasible, it is possible to exercise at a distance, using the benefits that brings internet.

Two ways to achieve them.

One could be called 'spiritual exercises in everyday life. " These are an accommodation, that the same S. Ignacio did in his note 19, for busy people could make his Spiritual Exercises.

The other way is to spend a few days (minimum 2) in a place where one can be without jobs and with the confidence enough to meet a schedule like that is a spiritual exercise 'face'.

Spiritual Exercises in daily life
These exercises in everyday life have been developed by José Luis Caravias sj Assistant Paraguay's National CLC

Notes before to successfully perform the Ignatian Spiritual Ejecrcicios in everyday life (EVC)

is able to carry out successfully a complete processing of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, in his mode called "in ordinary life", as proposed by Ignatius. We consider this method appropriate for lay people, for their work and family obligations, no time to shut for a month to perform the exercises intensely.

The last stroke almost a year, devoting about an hour of daily prayer. If you spend less time or are interrupted, stretch for a few months

Not everyone is able to perform this powerful experience. And those who are able, generally require advance preparation

The person who wants to fully realize the Ignatian Exercises must have a sufficient degree of maturity and sincere search for God.
is not advisable to enter into them who have serious unresolved problems of personality, family or work.

But they should also enjoy a tour of stage and spirituality: a habit of prayer and a median theological training. At least you do not have serious gaps in faith and church membership

If someone does not belong to some kind of lay community, must be willing to enter any of them. But we should not enter into the process of living Exercises and another kind of spirituality, because it could harm the mixture of different spiritual approaches

And, of course, to the EVC must be able to perform them. Involve daily effort, time and space, plus some economic cost for retreats and books. It is good to try them when you are too busy or is not the place and time for daily exercise

If married, you should make the EVC as a couple. Worth waiting a while to start, if that is expected to be well prepared the couple missing. When you start getting the two together is important to accompany the process at each other, so that frequently pray together at least once a week, discuss what they have seen and felt.

In the months before the stroke recommend that, as the preparation of each person, made a series of workshops, courses and / or readings, so that you can enter certain fundamental problems solved exercises, filled some gaps theological and basic knowledge needed to pray earnestly.

recommend starting with a weekend retreat to introductory exercises, which will get to acquire a basic idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is what they want and be encouraged to do so seriously. Each person determined to make the EVC should have a "companion", secular / religious ao / a, who can advise throughout the process. Among married to consider each spouse as his second companion. Assumption

prior discernment, as the needs of each person, we suggest some possible pre:

  • Workshop introduction to reading and meditating on the Bible.
  • Workshop Introduction to Ignatian spirituality and prayer.

  • course or reading some foundations of Christology.

  • If married, living together on biblical spirituality marriage.

  • Reading, possibly commented on the group, the Autobiography of St. Ignatius.

  • Once the passenger or the candidate creates sufficiently prepared to have to see a possible date to start the stroke, preferably within a group

    Experience shows that it is efficient to start the introduction and each of the four stages with a retreat Intensive weekend. Its purpose is to gain an overview of what will be done in the coming months, "twinning" with other people with whom you share the same way. Then, in ordinary life extensively, each person or couple is on a regular basis with their spiritual companion that helps you a personalized experience

    have also been useful to form two groups were not very many of exercisers who parallel paths. Each has its intensive meetings a week apart, so it is possible that couples who have nowhere to leave their children to go to each different intensive stages a week apart. This gives also a second chance to the person that presents some unexpected difficulties, so that is not outdated
    Now I invite you to pass the text of the Exercises in daily life

    Index Stage Notes Introductory
    prior to carrying out successful Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in daily life
    Intr. 1 - Ignatius and the Exercises
    Intr. 2 - The prayer meeting God
    Intr. 3 - Entrance to Exercises
    Intr. 4 - Principle and foundation I: We are created by God to be happy
    Intr. 5 - Principle and foundation II: Everything is created to serve as much as we use it for our happiness
    First stage: The love of God to the evil of the world and myself
    I. 1 - sin "of others"
    I. 2 - Sin "structured"
    I. 3 - My infidelities and ingratitude, as seen from the love of God
    I. 4 - Our idolatry
    I. 5 .- My death and my truth
    I. 6 - The possibility of eternal damnation
    I. 7 - sacramental confession and soul
    The pause daily examination of conscience
    I. 8 - Rules of the first week
    a) Notices to interpret and manage the internal movements
    b) Rules not to be distracted by eating
    Phase Two: Following Jesus from about
    II. 1 - King eternal
    II. 2 - God is humanized: the embodiment
    II. 3 - The birth of Jesus
    II. 4 - Children and Youth of Jesus
    II. 5 - The two flags, two systems
    II values. 6 - Attitudes of the followers of Jesus' Beatitudes and Our Father
    II. 7 - Three attitudes: Test of freedom (three binary)
    II. 8 to - Jesus discerns his vocation
    II. 8 b - Three levels of love: Love Test (three degrees of humility)
    II. 9 to - Vocational Discernment
    II. 9 b - I belong to my community
    II. 9 c - My life project
    II. 10 - Jesus invites us to live in community friendship
    II. 11 - Jesus announces the good news to the poor
    II. 12 - Jesus dignity to women and marriage
    II. 13 - The experience of a miracle in my life
    II. 14 - Maria, path and model to reach Jesus
    II. 15 - Who Jesus is for me?
    II. 16 - Rules of the second week
    a) Rules to know the inner movements
    b) Guidelines to help and serve others
    c) Notes for not tied to exaggeration or
    details Stage: The Passion of the Christ. Learn to suffer with him as he
    III. 1 - The message of Jesus is controversial
    III. 2 - The Passover meal
    III. 3 - Trials and torture of Jesus
    III. 4 - The cross, the mystery of love
    III. 5 - Jesus is still suffering and dying today
    Fourth stage: The resurrection of Christ, the fullness of love. Learning to enjoy and succeed with him as he
    IV. 1 - Risen Christ comforts and encourages her friends
    IV. 2 - the risen Jesus sends his spirit
    IV. 3 - the risen Jesus sends his disciples to preach the Good News
    IV. 4 - The Church continues the mission of Christ
    IV. 5 - Living the Resurrection of Christ today
    IV. 6 - The glory of the risen
    IV. 7 - raised with Christ
    Landing Stage: Contemplative in action
    V. 1 - Lay Spirituality: Baptism
    V. 2 - Contemplation to attain love
    V. 3 - Reps updated
    V. 4 - Prayer Alliance. A proposal for the daily examination and pause Ignatian Annex globalizing
    : Parable of the Kingdom
    I - Construction
    II - The banquet
    Chants for the road

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    can save or print this document, with the tools that gives you scribd.com at the top on the "More". Adult Retreat
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    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    Roxio No Supported Recorders

    Imaginando Contigo

    that "living dream"
    enjoying your 5 senses
    and raise the fallen angels

    that pilgrims me
    walking down the eternal path
    where souls leave their bodies

    imagine an angel in love
    that their city has found
    their mutual love

    imagine my 5 senses

    living a dream imagining you

    Written for liveadreams after reading

    Monday, March 9, 2009

    How Do I Know If My Ps3 Need A Power Supply?

    Remembering Silence and Happy Sigh

    Today I was inevitably reminded

    Looking for a Smile

    Since that time the poet
    in a fit of madness and hysteria, I ordered the Warrior
    raise their
    sword against pilgrim he ended his speech.

    And that there was no one to find, and muses
    enchanted Princesses.
    She locked herself in the dark reality
    Since being installed on the full moon.

    But the Silence, I scream
    strongly needed to undertake a search. He asked
    time to time to regain his smile ...
    booming then, in his emissary to the echo.

    awoke and the Pilgrim, Nomad Emissary
    time. Raising his medallion
    down from the moon To the Poet. Freedom

    demanded the Pilgrim!
    and send quickly to Guerrero in Chimera. That
    lost smile a beautiful maiden.
    To continue the rabbit!, The Poet said ...

    And he did. - After all,
    I missed the Poet! -
    The Guerrero began his odyssey,
    but fell into the dream of Minos.

    sufficed with a soft sigh,
    of the Lady of the Labyrinth, the Warrior
    To divert the path
    and had a new role.

    Warrior became "The First Sentinel
    -Following a rabbit
    Safeguarding now the doors, sleep
    prettier, the maze.

    So now it's up to the Poet
    continue the search for that smile.
    You owe it to Pilgrim Time
    For so many years behind bars.

    So it is when you take your pen
    And whispers in silence with a sigh: Return
    smile out loud;
    What are the heart of which the universe
    Craving listen earnestly responding
    His cheerful beats. Written for

    and Silent Sigh. On September 29, 2006.
    Gara dear I hope you like shhhh ...

    Sunday, March 8, 2009

    Play Cubefield On Hardest Level

    Women Alchemists and Wizards

    A Venezuelan Women

    Beautiful Eva
    That feed the world
    india, brown or brunette
    muse happy and sad poets
    you lift people
    women of my land

    To you who are the life of some
    perhaps death in other
    and present smile on my face

    A you sow you humility in children
    encourages the fallen friend
    and the Pauper longing for your kiss

    A reason for you that you love and respect
    of joy without regret
    but not always have your dreams

    To you I dedicate my lines today!

    Thursday, March 5, 2009

    What Is Cytherea's Real Name?

    The magic of my lyrics and the power of my dreams

    are influenced by Alchemists and Wizards

    with passion, errors and certainties

    made me discover what awaits the stars ...

    Wizards who taught me the secrets of books

    gave me the skill to handle my fire

    and opened for me, the light knowledge.

    Alchemists when I raised my sword fell

    the welded, polished and magical abilities conferred

    gave me potions or return my lost life.

    Wizards and Alchemists were reasons to move,

    some other challenges to overcome, and many more who follow.

    Some still with me and I have made a sorcerer

    others who are not but left me a garden planted

    and a few others that while sitting in front of us, the lesson learned.

    Dedicated to my teachers, professors and friends

    Issi , Sorceress of the logical and fair

    Ln, Sorceress of motivation.

    Nerbadell , Protector of the effort.

    Rams, Alchemist of the Rational and Complex.

    Agnus , Master of the Temple and the reflection of my mirror.

    Adalid Avalanche, Titan 3 heads, Wizard of belonging.

    Egroj , the father of the Notes and who gives me the Medallion Etra.

    Hiji, Sorceress of the Astral Kinetics and Never Again

    Ladys , Alchemist of Mother Nature and Beyond

    Wednesday, March 4, 2009

    N Scale Steam Locomotive

    I invite you a coffee or milk

    My dear friend, I invite you a coffee
    or if you like, accompany milk tea.
    And suddenly, say by the memory back
    Yosef invite and celebrate all three!

    Eros Amado, inveterate lover!
    sow your love and grow in our children ...
    Dear Yosef, Mr Pilgrim,
    that accurate are your words, give us way.

    whilst I do my best to make
    to stop time with my green coat
    make your love, advice and friendship ,
    nurtured a fertile field in eternity!

    Dear Yosef, besides that you have not left despite the rain
    why I celebrate!
    Eros Amado, in addition to what we have in common the moon!
    why our meeting!

    When like, my friends!
    no matter the reason!

    To Eros and Joseph ...
    written after Eros Amado read you and take your love to grow it!

    Why Does My Phlegm Has Blood

    tea Pilgrim's Awakening.

    Quisiera decir que he estado en muchas partes
    que he recorrido el mundo o por lo menos
    decir que aunque fuera, he recorrido mi tierra!
    Pero realmente no ha sido así, ni siquiera
    puedo decir, que he salido de mi cárcel,
    que he roto mis cadenas y que corro lejos!!

    La verdad, y pese a que empiezo a resucitar
    even still, I ended up lifting,
    with confidence that once, when I started to wander.
    And it has my old haughtiness failure to protect,
    who tried to kill, looking for something more noble to go ...

    'm not giving up yet and so, from the ashes awake Pilgrim
    to handle searching the Warrior that lives in me,
    as the dying King of Kings in the celestial vault
    and the poet takes cold pen WELCOMING the talking for me.
    I look forward and thus release the complete my trinity.

    Sunday, March 1, 2009

    How To Make Clove Oil

    Your voice is a caress

    I love your style
    your voice, your blog,
    your images and what they are!

    what he narrates, what you write
    what shut and that is me!
    But my soul and you know you want
    immerse me in your lines, with each word
    seduce me! I

    inspire me with your prose with your rhyme
    emotions and give me smiles, your voice
    is a caress!

    I wrote this because today I literally fell in love with the pen, voice and style Much of the Tower so I invite you to read it!

    Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    Is Sperm Is Drinkable

    Looking under the brightness of a mirror

    Stop for a second and save a sigh
    just when your silhouette looms in the mirror.
    I'll be at that moment looking hidden
    in silence, as you drop all modesty to the ground. Looking

    your eyes with your smile lift sagging. Looking
    the dark of your eyes with a tinge of mischief. Looking
    lend your hands are to bring a touch. Looking
    lips overflowing with sensuality and charisma. Looking at your skin
    awakening the rhythm of the breeze ...

    Finally shame you drop the little you have left your hands
    As I describe your silhouette
    mingle with the water still wets your
    And the warm moisture now your body craves.

    know I keep looking under the glow of your mirror erotic
    and accentuates your eyes with a twinkle;
    dropping the profile of your lips, sensually finger, resting
    slowly your hips
    convexity you wrap the shadows and sand with your hair.

    And that's how this subtle game of seduction I:
    looking at your body in that second that you keep a sigh,
    I realize that everything has been just a dream product
    And that simply and sweetly sleep, under the glow of my mirror.

    Tuesday, February 24, 2009

    Wedding Cards Performa

    The Touch of an Angel

    H o is a beautiful angel who cries!;
    Añora who is in heaven.
    At the same time in the shadows
    a poor beggar misses his kisses!

    The Beggar wants to go up to heaven
    and touch their hands to their lips!
    The Angel wants to hear your verses
    and prevent a tear fall down.

    And so it goes as night falls,
    The Beggar longing for the touch of an Angel
    and Angel eyes wanting to see honest,
    while away on distance is like silence.

    For you my pretty Mayi (Omaira Gutierrez)

    Monday, February 23, 2009

    What Does Love At First Sight Mean In Italian

    Seminar Life in the Spirit

    Taller de Carismas 1-Hermana Malvina Modesto


    Workshop 2-Sister Malvina Charisms Modesto

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    Life in the Spirit Seminar
    Father Dario Bencosme

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