* Literally Hitler before killing himself writes: "During my years of struggle I felt that was not marriage but now that my life comes to an end, I decided to take his wife to the woman even knowing that Berlin was surrounded came to die beside the man she loved. "
Paula collection and research Giraud

Hitler said
Eva was a ray of sunshine, the bunny ....

Klara Polz was the mother of Hitler was a very beautiful woman but features a little character (like Eva Braun ) and completely under the authority of her husband Alois Hitler , an irascible man, violent and womanizing. Adolf Hitler loved with reverence to his mother and he always bore a picture of her that always looked every night before bed, and even before he committed suicide on April 30, 1945 ....
Geli, Hitler's niece and one great love in your life who commits suicide for love ..... despite knowing the relationship with Eva Braun ...
Adolf Hitler as a baby ....( author unknown)
http://translate.google.co.ve/translate?hl=es&sl=en&u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler&ei=QsTzS_GqKIKdlgeghb3qDA&sa=X&oi=translate & ; ct = result & resnum = 10 & ved = 0CEsQ7gEwCQ & prev = / search% 3Fq% 3DAdolfo% 2BHitler% 2BY% 2BEva% 2BBraun% 26hl% 3des% 26sa% 3DG% 26prmd% 3Dvn
videos of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun:

Adolf Hitler born in Braunau (Austria) on 20 April 1889 in the midst of a middle class family. His father was Alois Hitler , a customs official fan alcohol and women, irascible owner of a character who would later inherit su hijo Adolf. Se casó dos veces y mantuvo una agitada vida sentimental hasta el final de su vida. Cuando conoció a quién sería la madre de Hitler, Klara Pölz, ya era un hombre de cincuenta años con hijos de su anterior matrimonio casi tan mayores como su futura esposa.
Klara Pölz era una mujer de rasgos muy bellos aunque de poco carácter y completamente sometida a la autoridad de su marido. El matrimonio tuvo seis hijos de los cuales sólo Adolf y su hermana Paula llegaron a la mayoría de edad. Esta circunstancia influyó en la sobreprotección que Klara le brindó a sus hijos por el temor a perderlos. El carácter violento de Alois que limitaba su rol de padre a frecuentes golpizas, fueled by strong rejection of Adolf a father figure and a great devotion to his mother he held until the end of his life. Adolf fails to finish high school, as teachers, lack of aptitude.
His vocation was always to paint but his works are barely acceptable and in his paintings the human figures look disproportionate to the contexto.A age 17 is rejected for admission to the Academy of Fine Arts and his works are described as mediocre. Shortly after his mother dies of cancer at 47 years old and this painful episode may not exceed a lifetime. Until his own death accompanied him a portrait of his mother who kept to watch every night . No comprehensive studies without any financial Sutent, wandering the streets of Vienna as a hobo for several years, sleeping on the streets, in a public shelter or in a rented room if they could sell some of its paintings.
always said that The Fuehrer did not seem to be a man of flesh and bone ; you know any private relationship, nothing was known of their entertainment, friendship, intimate weaknesses, only his collaborators Hess, Goebbels , Göring and others who later occupied important positions of Reich had access to his person and acompañbaan like shadows. His main hobby was to take tea with her true love, Eva Braun , which had met in Berchtesgaden in 1929, when she was seventeen. It was a blond, rosy, fresh and healthy looking, as he liked to Hitler and as befitting his Aryan ideal. His cheerful and awake was that women became inseparable companion of the Führer , although officially never become Germany's first lady.
Klara Pölz era una mujer de rasgos muy bellos aunque de poco carácter y completamente sometida a la autoridad de su marido. El matrimonio tuvo seis hijos de los cuales sólo Adolf y su hermana Paula llegaron a la mayoría de edad. Esta circunstancia influyó en la sobreprotección que Klara le brindó a sus hijos por el temor a perderlos. El carácter violento de Alois que limitaba su rol de padre a frecuentes golpizas, fueled by strong rejection of Adolf a father figure and a great devotion to his mother he held until the end of his life. Adolf fails to finish high school, as teachers, lack of aptitude.
His vocation was always to paint but his works are barely acceptable and in his paintings the human figures look disproportionate to the contexto.A age 17 is rejected for admission to the Academy of Fine Arts and his works are described as mediocre. Shortly after his mother dies of cancer at 47 years old and this painful episode may not exceed a lifetime. Until his own death accompanied him a portrait of his mother who kept to watch every night . No comprehensive studies without any financial Sutent, wandering the streets of Vienna as a hobo for several years, sleeping on the streets, in a public shelter or in a rented room if they could sell some of its paintings.
always said that The Fuehrer did not seem to be a man of flesh and bone ; you know any private relationship, nothing was known of their entertainment, friendship, intimate weaknesses, only his collaborators Hess, Goebbels , Göring and others who later occupied important positions of Reich had access to his person and acompañbaan like shadows. His main hobby was to take tea with her true love, Eva Braun , which had met in Berchtesgaden in 1929, when she was seventeen. It was a blond, rosy, fresh and healthy looking, as he liked to Hitler and as befitting his Aryan ideal. His cheerful and awake was that women became inseparable companion of the Führer , although officially never become Germany's first lady.
One October night in 1929, the new photo studio assistant Hoffmann in Munich, Germany, blushed to find a client looking at her thighs as her rise in a ladder, drew some papers from a file elusive. A little later, he asked his boss, Heinrich Hoffman: 'Who is that weird mustache man? " . Hoffman was surprised that she had not recognized him and said that was Adolph Hitler. So it was that Eva Braun met her first and only love . His mind was so superficial, which in 1929 had only a vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was the Nazi party (by then already had nearly half a million members). From what if Eve quickly realized, was that the person who could help her out of a mediocre situation was the odd man mustache. For That began to stay in the studio after work to search the catalogs of pictures of Hitler and his henchmen. She stuffed the bra with tissue paper, he had heard Hoffman say that the Nazi leader had a preference for girls with large breasts. Gradually, the future Führer began to send small gifts and notes.
With his usual eccentricity, its first offering was a yellow orchid accompanied by a portrait of himself, autographed (his gifts, were never very splendid). Eva was flattered, but he spent a year before Hitler made him an invitation. The outputs were always the same: dinner at his favorite Italian restaurant or go to the opera , where Eva was supremely bored. Witnesses say those departures during this period, their relationship was a father / daughter occasionally Hitler patted her hand by calling 'Mein Sonnenschein' (my sunshine).
With his usual eccentricity, its first offering was a yellow orchid accompanied by a portrait of himself, autographed (his gifts, were never very splendid). Eva was flattered, but he spent a year before Hitler made him an invitation. The outputs were always the same: dinner at his favorite Italian restaurant or go to the opera , where Eva was supremely bored. Witnesses say those departures during this period, their relationship was a father / daughter occasionally Hitler patted her hand by calling 'Mein Sonnenschein' (my sunshine).
His relationship with Adolf Hitler began in 1930, before the death of Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece. Eva lied to their parents telling them to do overtime. Hitler inquired about his past because he did not want Jewish blood in what will be her lover , but she wants to marry. Felt "very intelligent men must women living with primitive and foolish to be left to rest. "Although Eva spends much of his life waiting for Hitler, would rather die than leave him.
During the first months of their romance, Eva had to endure seeing Hitler Aristocrat charged any diamond or arm of a 'vamp' of German cinema, as she had to remain hidden, unknown, alone. His true status was known only to a few friends and Nazi party officials.
During the first months of their romance, Eva had to endure seeing Hitler Aristocrat charged any diamond or arm of a 'vamp' of German cinema, as she had to remain hidden, unknown, alone. His true status was known only to a few friends and Nazi party officials.
In his inexperience, did not suspect that he had intimate relations with them. In fact, the German leader was extremely promiscuous and even was involved in an affair with Geli Raubal, niece of 23 years s. In September 1931, when he learned that Geli had fixed a mistress, one night while his uncle slept beside Hitler, she took the gun and shot in the chest took his life.
Months later, Eva of desperation and possibly thinking about Geli, shot himself, but his aim was so bad and was so nervous that the bullet only grazed his neck. In 1935 he made a second suicide attempt , took sleeping pills, but he found his sister Ilse. This time, Hitler gave him a villa private in a suburb of Munich and finally brought it to her circle of intimates.
Gradually, Eva manages to occupy a space in the life of Hitler . He calls "Playmate" or "silly" and she, "My Fuehrer", and "tu" form. Begins to receive gifts, two dogs, fur coats, floor soon filled with gifts. Travels with him as private secretary, "or call the phone every day. Hitler meet and train with a tensor in the morning, then to keep at arm's length for hours in parades . But avoid being seen together.
In the shelter of Obersalzberg, Eva will spend much of their time between 1936 and 1945. At that time Eva lived with a set of rules, imposed by Hitler, more stringent than the home of his parents could not write letters or keep a diary, or whistle, because Hitler was annoyed, let alone before he addressed her, etc.
influence on Eva Braun Hitler was very powerful , trying to please the dictator, she was obsessed with physical appearance, and even her hair color 'Aryan' was dyed. Eva did not understand what was just his way of being common, simple, what he liked. 'The more' big 'man must be the meanest woman "used to say the Führer.
She was athletic, attractive beauty passive smiling and cheerful, much given to participate in social events. However, Hitler was not displayed in public with it for reasons of prestige, and even in small circles if there were any important visit, so I spent the time locked in the apartments of Hitler in Berlin, Munich or at the Berghof.
Gradually, Eva manages to occupy a space in the life of Hitler . He calls "Playmate" or "silly" and she, "My Fuehrer", and "tu" form. Begins to receive gifts, two dogs, fur coats, floor soon filled with gifts. Travels with him as private secretary, "or call the phone every day. Hitler meet and train with a tensor in the morning, then to keep at arm's length for hours in parades . But avoid being seen together.
In the shelter of Obersalzberg, Eva will spend much of their time between 1936 and 1945. At that time Eva lived with a set of rules, imposed by Hitler, more stringent than the home of his parents could not write letters or keep a diary, or whistle, because Hitler was annoyed, let alone before he addressed her, etc.
influence on Eva Braun Hitler was very powerful , trying to please the dictator, she was obsessed with physical appearance, and even her hair color 'Aryan' was dyed. Eva did not understand what was just his way of being common, simple, what he liked. 'The more' big 'man must be the meanest woman "used to say the Führer.
She was athletic, attractive beauty passive smiling and cheerful, much given to participate in social events. However, Hitler was not displayed in public with it for reasons of prestige, and even in small circles if there were any important visit, so I spent the time locked in the apartments of Hitler in Berlin, Munich or at the Berghof.
As he left to appear at his side, treated like a queen , and well respected, he was always aware of anyone hurt her, because we really loved. In the middle site, while a few hundred meters of Russian forces, Hitler married her on April 29, 1945. The next day, they entered the office, before Hitler ordered shoot the brother of Eva, Hermann Fegelein , for attempted evasion and collusion with Himmler in his betrayal . Informed of this incident, Eva intervenes with Hitler saying: "He is young, and his wife expecting, the only family-begging. You do not want to be an orphan. Hitler orders his execution and said to Eve: "He's a traitor. We must be relentless. Do not forget to Mussolini and Ciano.
Eva, impressed by this historical parallel, left to object. "You're the Führer "He says. Family matters are no longer important.
Eva, impressed by this historical parallel, left to object. "You're the Führer "He says. Family matters are no longer important.
A 16 meters underground , Eva passes the last weeks of his life in the bunker. Could have been saved, but he would not leave her lover. He, like award, became his wife. Taffeta dress and jewelry, signed for the first and only time the name of Eva Hitler. After the ceremony is a party and, during the wedding night, was when Hitler ordered the brother of Eva shot for attempted escape.
At 3:30 pm on April 30, 1945 both come to the office of Hitler . Eva gets a dose of cyanide and a pistol, Hitler chewed the funnel and stick a bullet in the head . Eva fails to strike the gun, die by the veneno.Hitler confided to his friend Heinrich Himmler that the death would be reincarnated and that he would marry in the next life with Eva Braun, "because in these times it was impossible ", denoting the spiritual beliefs of the dictator.
Background: The events that led to the suicide of Hitler
Hitler surprised the world when, on September 1, 1939, the Nazi army invaded Poland and started the Second World War. At the beginning of the war, Hitler's soldiers were successful because of its strategy of "blitzkrieg," which meant a very fast shipping many different types of troops by land and by air. His army then continued to invade several European countries, including Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and even France in 1940. Britain was able to defend themselves.
Background: The events that led to the suicide of Hitler
Hitler surprised the world when, on September 1, 1939, the Nazi army invaded Poland and started the Second World War. At the beginning of the war, Hitler's soldiers were successful because of its strategy of "blitzkrieg," which meant a very fast shipping many different types of troops by land and by air. His army then continued to invade several European countries, including Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and even France in 1940. Britain was able to defend themselves.
Although Hitler had made a nonaggression pact with Soviet Russia before invading Poland, he broke the pact and invaded the country in 1941 in an attempt to spread their "Final Solution" and the horrors Holocaust. However, for when he invaded Russia, the war had grown, the Allies including the U.S. now.
Hitler declared in October 1941, just months after the Soviet invasion, the Soviet Union "never would rise again," he greatly underestimated the power of Soviet army, and the severity of the winters in Russia, and his generals began to seek avenues of escape. Hitler decided to take control of the military command itself. At the same time, the ally of Germany, Italy, was losing ground.
Hitler declared in October 1941, just months after the Soviet invasion, the Soviet Union "never would rise again," he greatly underestimated the power of Soviet army, and the severity of the winters in Russia, and his generals began to seek avenues of escape. Hitler decided to take control of the military command itself. At the same time, the ally of Germany, Italy, was losing ground.
By July 1943, the reign of Mussolini had completed and allied forces were gaining ground on Hitler's army, which was now on the defensive. By then, many of the Nazi army generals had realized that Germany could not defeat many enemies, and his frustration with Hitler led to an assassination plot in 1944. The plan failed, but Hitler soon hid in the Führerbunker in Berlin, where he spent his remaining days.
really Who was Adolf Hitler? A crazy evil, a spirit or a megalomaniac delusional insatiable?
Hitler Germany he devoted 24 hours a day . Germany was the obsession of his life and confused with the material madre.Su detachment was absolute and the large profits earned from the sale of his book "Mein Kampf" donated them to the coffers of his party.
Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were a lesser extent fans nationalist idea and is completely devoted to die ella.Mandaron front of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but before they had fought bravely in the trincheras.Si you want , had a moral authority in this sentido.Luchaban corruption of their government giving the example of personal honesty as a first step.
during the war when the Germans took the prisoner to son, Stalin refused to negotiate for a general war alemán.Mussolini lost his son Bruno, the most like his father in character, while piloting a avión.Esta face of dictators does not make them better people, but can assess objetividad.Si story is not impossible to understand how such evil things in life could generate many adhesiones.En human history everything has a logic to the extent that the facts are brought together not conceal or alter the truth of what happened .
The social situation of postwar Germany was chaotic, with an economy burdened by high costs to be paid in respect of Reperos of war and hyperinflation dizzying, the unemployment reached six million people, the excomabtientes were frustrated after seeing his efforts at the front had evaporated in the table of negotiations, the country humiliated by their loss of territory, having been forced to surrender their weapons and marina and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles as the limitation to rearm in the immediate future.
Hitler taking the model of Mussolini who was by then government in Italy, take advantage of this discontent and brings together more than anyone in its ranks the most radical elements of society but, above all, it aims to achieve support the powerful industrial who see Hitler, the best bulwark against communism and socialismo.El financial support of the big bankers and industrialists will pave the way for the Nazis to power.
With the funds received Hitler was able to buy a newspaper, mounted a major advertising campaign, provided aircraft for their visits to various cities and basically got direct contact with the major factors poder.Durante this period played a very Hermann Goering noted, flying ace during the Great War, who with her high society contacts opened the door for Hitler to enter a world hitherto unknown to him. The electoral gains are striking: In 1928 get a million votes in 1930 and reaches 6,500,000 and by the end of 1932 as 13,475,000 people voted.
His contacts with the son of President Hindenburg, with the secretary of state and Von Papen Meissner bend the will of the elder President Hindenburg that on January 30, 1933 Hitler calls for building a new gobierno.Paul Von Hindenburg was a living glory of German history with 87 years behind him and a still impressive size from nearly two feet tall.
The old Prussian Hitler despised figure considering it a clumsy and disparagingly referred to him calling out but soon ended up surrendering pleistesía.Fue is a constant in Hitler.Al life principle is underestimated and despised but eventually ended up being his most fervent admiradores.Algún Don hypnotic should be because it's hard to explain rationally the countless diplomatic successes obtained with the most diverse political personalities.
Hitler preferred to deal with contentious issues personally and by 1939 Germany was the owner of much of Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a single tiro.Chamberlain, Daladier, Benes and other leaders of the time met with Hitler to try to curb their expansionist ambitions but at the end of the meeting accepted the points raised by him without getting anything in cambio.Gritos hysterical, punching on the table and kicked the chairs were some of the attitudes he used before his distinguished guests who left the office shaking or broken.
mid-seventies, a U.S. university professor made an interesting test to his students. After giving them a copy of the will of the Fuehrer is no signature, asked to imagine the author. Protected by anonymity, Hitler's personality was described as deeply honest, sensible and even admirable. This paradox may explain why Hitler became a beloved leader and undisputed for many who did not acknowledge the horrible acts until it was too late because there is no doubt that in his complex character there was always an innate ability to attract the masses and a considerable power of suggestion.
really Who was Adolf Hitler? A crazy evil, a spirit or a megalomaniac delusional insatiable?
Hitler Germany he devoted 24 hours a day . Germany was the obsession of his life and confused with the material madre.Su detachment was absolute and the large profits earned from the sale of his book "Mein Kampf" donated them to the coffers of his party.
Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were a lesser extent fans nationalist idea and is completely devoted to die ella.Mandaron front of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but before they had fought bravely in the trincheras.Si you want , had a moral authority in this sentido.Luchaban corruption of their government giving the example of personal honesty as a first step.
during the war when the Germans took the prisoner to son, Stalin refused to negotiate for a general war alemán.Mussolini lost his son Bruno, the most like his father in character, while piloting a avión.Esta face of dictators does not make them better people, but can assess objetividad.Si story is not impossible to understand how such evil things in life could generate many adhesiones.En human history everything has a logic to the extent that the facts are brought together not conceal or alter the truth of what happened .
The social situation of postwar Germany was chaotic, with an economy burdened by high costs to be paid in respect of Reperos of war and hyperinflation dizzying, the unemployment reached six million people, the excomabtientes were frustrated after seeing his efforts at the front had evaporated in the table of negotiations, the country humiliated by their loss of territory, having been forced to surrender their weapons and marina and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles as the limitation to rearm in the immediate future.
Hitler taking the model of Mussolini who was by then government in Italy, take advantage of this discontent and brings together more than anyone in its ranks the most radical elements of society but, above all, it aims to achieve support the powerful industrial who see Hitler, the best bulwark against communism and socialismo.El financial support of the big bankers and industrialists will pave the way for the Nazis to power.
With the funds received Hitler was able to buy a newspaper, mounted a major advertising campaign, provided aircraft for their visits to various cities and basically got direct contact with the major factors poder.Durante this period played a very Hermann Goering noted, flying ace during the Great War, who with her high society contacts opened the door for Hitler to enter a world hitherto unknown to him. The electoral gains are striking: In 1928 get a million votes in 1930 and reaches 6,500,000 and by the end of 1932 as 13,475,000 people voted.
His contacts with the son of President Hindenburg, with the secretary of state and Von Papen Meissner bend the will of the elder President Hindenburg that on January 30, 1933 Hitler calls for building a new gobierno.Paul Von Hindenburg was a living glory of German history with 87 years behind him and a still impressive size from nearly two feet tall.
The old Prussian Hitler despised figure considering it a clumsy and disparagingly referred to him calling out but soon ended up surrendering pleistesía.Fue is a constant in Hitler.Al life principle is underestimated and despised but eventually ended up being his most fervent admiradores.Algún Don hypnotic should be because it's hard to explain rationally the countless diplomatic successes obtained with the most diverse political personalities.
Hitler preferred to deal with contentious issues personally and by 1939 Germany was the owner of much of Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a single tiro.Chamberlain, Daladier, Benes and other leaders of the time met with Hitler to try to curb their expansionist ambitions but at the end of the meeting accepted the points raised by him without getting anything in cambio.Gritos hysterical, punching on the table and kicked the chairs were some of the attitudes he used before his distinguished guests who left the office shaking or broken.
mid-seventies, a U.S. university professor made an interesting test to his students. After giving them a copy of the will of the Fuehrer is no signature, asked to imagine the author. Protected by anonymity, Hitler's personality was described as deeply honest, sensible and even admirable. This paradox may explain why Hitler became a beloved leader and undisputed for many who did not acknowledge the horrible acts until it was too late because there is no doubt that in his complex character there was always an innate ability to attract the masses and a considerable power of suggestion.
http: / / www.biografiasyvidas.com/monografia/hitler/fotos6.htm
http://www.encontrandodulcinea.com/articulos/2010/Abril/Hoy-en-la-Historia--Adolf-Hitler-y- Eva-Braun-se-suicidan.html
http: / / www.biografiasyvidas.com/monografia/hitler/fotos6.htm
http://www.encontrandodulcinea.com/articulos/2010/Abril/Hoy-en-la-Historia--Adolf-Hitler-y- Eva-Braun-se-suicidan.html
http://translate.google.co.ve/translate?hl=es&sl=en&u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler&ei=QsTzS_GqKIKdlgeghb3qDA&sa=X&oi=translate & ; ct = result & resnum = 10 & ved = 0CEsQ7gEwCQ & prev = / search% 3Fq% 3DAdolfo% 2BHitler% 2BY% 2BEva% 2BBraun% 26hl% 3des% 26sa% 3DG% 26prmd% 3Dvn
videos of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVf4t8Ekee0 (Eva and Adolf Hitler, with his dog Blondi pampering, romantic and personal moments of both, 1939-1945)