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is now open registration period for the International Competition EducaRed
EducaRed The International Competition is an initiative of Telefónica Foundation is carrying out work related multimedia curriculum issues. This contest promotes the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) classroom.
To participate, do not need prior knowledge of ICT , because the teacher will have available at the website of the event, teaching guides to help you focus the work on-line and parallel activities that can be developed in the classroom. Also, always have at its disposal a telephone and an e-mail which will resolve all your technical questions and teaching.
can participate:
Creating a website on a topic related to curriculum.
may participate in the competition students between 3 and 18, in 5 categories of participation.
As an International Competition, you can participate in two schedules (A or B) to accommodate school schedules in different countries.
addition, work may be submitted different languages: English, Portuguese or English official state languages \u200b\u200b(Galician, Euskera, Catalan). Additionally, accepted jobs in other languages \u200b\u200b(English, German ...) as long as jobs are framed in language teaching.
This is a contest of character teaching. Therefore, the jury not only assess the final product, but also the educational project on which it sits: the parallel activities that have been developed in the classroom, the level of involvement has been achieved for students, continuous assessment or monitoring has been made of team work, etc.
also have a Workspace where you can access your work and collaborate with other teachers of the event through forums and other facilities.
for the jury is aware of this part of the work, will enable a Journal Project in the Workspace, with a very simple form to use, where you can go for the record each week of activities have been developed.
The registration period is open until April 16 so do not miss the opportunity to participate in an initiative where you can enjoy ICT and make teaching an attractive job with their students and have the opportunity to obtain exciting prizes.
For more information can access the web www.educared.org / certameninternacional and ask any questions by calling us at 902,905,144 or via email certamen@educared.org .
The Competition Bureau is available to answer any questions and assist you in registering their groups and in carrying out their work.
official website: http://www.educared.org/certameninternacional/
EducaRed Office of International Competition
Email: certamen@educared.org
Phone: 902,905. 144
; +34,981,975,621
Hours: 9:00 am / 18:00 pm (English hour)
Acknowledgements: This blog is especially grateful to its correspondent in the Blogosphere , Seña Elena, we have sent this special note about event of this magnitude, always at the level of education, which is what concerns us more closely.
clse The students in our Sixth - C already working on the whiteboard. Have been used as the beam to handle the pointer, and even to write with his fingers. It is noted that the immediate causes are given classes with more freshness, resulting in the use of what is being explained. We spent a few minutes to educational games related to the subject being treated, and so is not as dry work. The games are always designed to operate with numbers, look for words that do not know, or places where they were shown how to go. We are on the tracks. See where the train arrives. Greetings to all parents who view this presentation.
Note: The photos posted have the necessary permission from parents and mothers of the students displayed. The documents contained in the management of the Centre. Therefore meet the necessary protection we need students, as marked on the Education Act.
Making a review of the software associated with the whiteboard that comes with the operating system Guadalinex-Edu, I could see that far in its current state, to make the performance adequate for the Slate.
Compared with the same software that is distributed by the firm Smart Technologies for Windows and Mac, the amount is not sufficient, crude and sometimes useless.
We will tell you what that brings, unless you enlighten us by someone who will be here and still has not come out wherever you are.
To encourage reading, we chose two chapters of "Fray Perico and his donkey" (Juan Muñoz Martín, 1979, Collection "The Steamer" Editorial SM). Are converted to *. pdf and upload it to SkyDrive, free online MSN to house documents and other files. Once there and with each student holding sheets of paper reading and activities, links to housing *. pdf and opened in the Firefox browser on the SmartBoard screen. Students were alternately singing reading and reading paragraphs which, incidentally, caused no little laughter among schoolchildren.
class is divided into working groups and, armed with dictionaries of all types, students undertook to complete the questions they were getting from the text in *. pdf unemployment in their respective copies. After activity, they were asking for answers. Which was considered successful, was written with the finger above the corresponding sheet in *. pdf SmartBoard. Everyone was able to complete its work within the stipulated time and the teacher collected the work of all, to correct them thoroughly and put note below. The result is seen in the capture below. The correction of exercises in situ is more of the features of the whiteboard.
Posts and slaughter, have virtually decided to learn to draw angles, with commendable accuracy. It provides from the Toolbar SmartBoard, a protractor, a ruler and the Line tool, you can draw that we like to within millimeters. Posts
this, we note in the car, three points, one at the zero on the left, another point of 180 º on the right, and one in the center of the conveyor. Using the rule, we make a sign perpendicular to the center point and just saying the point of opening angle (in our case, 60 º). We take the Line Tool, the situation at the intersection of the center and stretch to the number 60 of the conveyor. Done.
This time, have accompanied the task with a writing manual, typing passed by the program where we are working (NoteBook for SmartBoard, 10.6) and red. In addition, we used the On-Screen Keyboard to write short texts to explain what's what. Hope you will like the series of possibilities of the new digital board. Below is the image that is corroborated.
Since I was, I went exploring some more. The truth is that the Smart Toolbar is more than a simple switch color pointers.
Without going any further, I could hear and see a Flash presentation on how to make a line perpendicular to a given, and without thinking twice, I made the beat Tool Bar functions as a real one, make marks on both sides of the given line and then with the help of a protractor ruler, I traced the line perpendicular to the tool, which is a perfectly laudable. The result you can see it below.
is to enter the blog to sound as China can be torture. When everyone gets to sound at once, can not endure. I've seen all the slides and I am sure you are going to get a special party in your classroom, but here, and not worth much.
I think we should share experiences that we are doing, links to resources or make certain that we want to share.
In a word, that the time of the tests should give way to the achievements and make the blog into something dynamic to draw from or upload interesting experience for everyone. I hope I have
bothered anybody. I apologize, however.
We have already started in our class, to fret the whiteboard by the name of SmartBoard. This is a special holder designed for teaching and consists of three devices: A projector, a computer with Internet access and digital whiteboard (SmartBoard), capable of tactile recognition (you can write with your finger) .
Among other activities, we have:
We are now in the process, next week, creating the infrastructure to create your own blog and publish it in class events.
What we show is now one of the possibilities of Digital Whiteboard software: Perform exercises fractions (or otherwise), being written in English. It is a further step to become familiar with the second language.
Hope you like it. And if parents see this page, too.